2022 MTSF "Science & Technology Award" and "Science & Technology Research Grant" Virtual Roadshows for UMS & AIMST

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To further promote its "Science & Technology Award" and "Science & Technology Research Grant" programs among the tertiary institutions, MTSF conducted two virtual roadshows for participants from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and AIMST University (AIMST) recently.

On hand to welcome the MTSF team and 48 young researchers and postgraduates attending the virtual roadshow at UMS on 11th April 2022 was Prof. Ts. Dr. Chong Khim Phin, the Deputy Director (Strategic), Research Management Centre.

Meanwhile, Dr. Sivachandran Parimannan, Director of Research Management Centre and Mr. Siventhiran S Balakrishnan, R&D Officer, were in attendance to host the AIMST roadshow on 13th April 2022. Some 40 young researchers and postgraduates attended the event.

The response towards the MTSF programs at the two sessions were most encouraging. Besides the video and slides presentations, Dato’ K. K. Hun from the MTSF Secretariat was on hand to answer the enquiries raised, ranging from preferred research areas, qualifications, grant criteria etc. MTSF certainly look forward to more submissions from these two universities in the coming 29th MTSF Programs which ends on 31st May 2022.